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Some days your can’t play in the Garden

Taking A Break from the Garden Today

Taking A Break from the Garden Today

100_4272 You know some days you need to take a break, and today it rained. So my wife and I took a break and did some indoor projects. Even thought I should have picked beans again today and finish digging the red potatoes.

Today we painted our bedroom.  It was fun to hang out with my wife and pick out paint colors, get the brushes and come home to paint. It was best to see her get so excited to do this.

Some days you need to take a break from everyday chores and spend the day with your love. It was a Great day watching her have fun! Can’t wait to get it all done so we can spend the night together there.

So, Take a break once an awhile, it might be the Best Day in Years! Love you Honey!

Remember to Plant a little Green to give us a big Blue. Planting Trees gives us Oxygen.