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So where’s the Moza?

Bird Bath Area

Bird Bath Area

Some times we look around and say to ourselves, So where’s the Moza?

Now, who knows what Moza is, I know my Grandmother always said that when you were happy with things, you found your Moza!

She was an American Indian,

3 times removed, but she had a lot of ways of the old.Summer "Tomato" area

Summer “Tomato” area

I really enjoyed the Gardens she would plant, the 20 acres of potatoes, yes I said 20 acres. She would have acres of apple trees and corn, not to mention the peaches. Oh my, I loved to go up to her home and hang out, she even taught me to cook. I mean it that she would have me make pies, cook dumplings, peal apples for apple sauce, so many apples, so many bees. But you know she had Moza. I hope some day I can have the drive and steady work ethic she had.

Now, please, forgive me that I must say this, but, I didn’t really like grandma when I was growing up, yup, I thought she was a mean Grandma, always something to do with her, I always got the dirty jobs, washing dishes, helping to clean the table, but now as my wife and I work to, can tomatoes, make peach jam or raspberry preserves, freeze Butternut Squash for soup this winter, I think back to Grandma and say, Thank You Grandma, for teaching me so much.

My wife comments that I have a certain quality that she is proud of. I’m glad that I can Please her, but a lot of times I must admit, my Mother comes out in me, no she was one that had “Spunk”, and for her age, i stay out of her way. She’s almost 80 now, and I wouldn’t want to be on her bad side.  She also was a great instructor in life, some times a life I didn’t want,  but she always stood behind me, she has her own type of Moza. No she’s not American Indian, but she is full blooded American, Red, White and Blue All the way!

Well my question to you, What’s your Moza?

Are you Happy where your at?

Do you make others glad to be your friend?

Ask yourself, and live by your convictions, Then you’ll find your Moza.

Enjoy your Day and make someone else day Great.

Rock Garden

Rock Garden